If you wondered whether European platform bed frame sizes are the same as those from the USA, the answer is no. America and Europe have different histories, and for this reason, their bed dimensions also differ. Comparing the sizes is not a challenging task, and the units can be easily converted from one to the other.
Generally, American sizes are given names such as twin, full, king, or queen, while European sizes are referred to by their dimensions. This is an important factor that you should keep in mind if you want to buy a European platform bed for an American bedroom. It would be best if you also contemplate the factors given below;
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Before purchasing any European platform bed for an American bedroom, you should check the size and make sure it is the one you want. As mentioned earlier, European bedframes are referred to by their dimensions, while their names know American bed frames. If you want a king-sized platform bed or any other size, do your research on converting it into a European dimension.
It is easy to get the wrong bed frame size if you are not careful, which will cost you much. This especially applies if you already have a mattress back at home and bedding that fits a specific size. Getting the wrong size will also disorient how you had planned to arrange your bedroom. To choose the best European bed frame for an American bedroom, make sure you determine the bed size you want in both dimensions.
It would be chaotic if you bought a European platform bed that is larger than what your bedroom can handle. A small bedroom with a vast bed will look ridiculous and disorganized. After finding out the size of the platform bed you want, you should note your American bedroom’s dimensions.
Confirm that the European bed frame would fit perfectly and leave enough space for you to move around, and especially if it has side drawers for storage. A spacious bedroom will always look better and neater than a cramped bedroom with a large bed. Also, do not choose a size that is too small for the bedroom. Choose a European platform bed that will fit your American bedroom.
Just like shoes and clothing, mattress size varies from country to country. This means that mattress sizes in European nations are very different from those in America. You must be very attentive when buying a foreign country mattress, especially if it is an online platform. If you want a king-size mattress, you should know that it will not be the same dimension in Europe. If you have decided to get a European platform bed frame for your American bedroom, it is only wise that you buy a European mattress as well.
Also, bedding like duvets and bedsheets will vary in size, so you should get them all from the same place. Know that if you already have an American mattress it will not fit your European bed frame, no matter how close the measurements are. Keep everything uniform if you have decided to take the European way to avoid any disappointments. The general principle is that your mattress should fit your platform bed perfectly for comfortability.
If your house is lately running out of storage space, you should consider getting one that has storage facilities. Extra storage facilities in the bed help you organize your bedroom better than someone who has placed items in the corner of the room. European platform bed frames have designs fitted with storage facilities, and some have none.
You can get a European platform bed with side drawers or one with a hydraulic system. A hydraulic system is much easier to operate as you can easily access the items under your bed by clicking a button. This is also a great way of exploiting the space that lies idle under every bed.
Confirm that the platform bed is crafted using the best and highly durable materials. You might feel tempted to purchase a bed that is cheap, regardless of whether the materials are durable or not. Keep in mind that this will bounce back on you soon as you will have to purchase another one if it gets damaged.
In most cases, the price goes hand in hand with the quality of a bed. Only on rare occasions will you find cheap platform beds with high-quality material. In such a circumstance, it is advised to take the expensive European platform bed frame option.
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Before choosing a platform bed of your liking, make sure you understand the theme you want to have in your bedroom. Different design styles bring out different themes, and mixing themes will make the bed seem out of place. There are plenty of European design styles that you can choose to elevate your American bedroom look.
If your bedroom theme is traditional, choose a traditional bed or a mid-century bed, and if it is a modern theme, a contemporary bed will do. Beds are the main focal points in bedrooms as they are also the main piece of furniture in the room. Choosing the correct type of full-size platform bed will help you get the look right. If need be, seek the assistance of a professional.
Now that you know how to tell apart European and American sizes when it comes to beds and mattresses, you will have no trouble getting the one you want. Choosing a European platform bed frame for an American bedroom is not an easy task, and there is a large room for making mistakes. Get your facts right before settling for a specific European bed frame.
The directions given in this article will help you make the right decision, one that you will not regret a bot. Choosing the right bed for your bedroom is an important factor, and you should put much concern into it.